Thursday, February 17, 2011

How'd You Do It, Stella?

Get your groove back, that is. 

I miss my groove.  Before Molly, we had our thing. Our routine.  I knew when to feed Ben, entertain him, get him ready for bed (ok, his dad did that).  I knew when I had my time, our time, family time.  It was lovely. We had it good.

I completely forgot how all sense of predictability goes right out the window when a newborn comes home.  *head slap* Doh! 

The comfort in all of this is that a) the creature that killed my groove is seriously adorable, snuggly, and wonderful and b) the groove will come I'm told.  In the meantime, we're just holding on to this ride by our fingernails, playing man-on-man defense and doing our best to still say loving and kind words to each other at the end of the day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Molly - One Month Old

Dear Miss M,
So I'm writing this a couple of days late from your actual “one month” birthday mark. Don't worry. As these letters continue, I'll get later and later in the month until eventually I'm playing catch-up the week you turn a year old. I'm just that good.

We made it, kiddo! You, me, your dad, and Ben-Ben have survived month one. Way to go! So what have you been up to this month? Mostly sleeping, pooing, eating. Technically, because you were four weeks early, you've been playing catch-up, growing and gaining weight that you would have done while you were still inside me.

You're a chunk-a-lunk, now! I love holding you and snuggling your sweet cheeks. Daddy was worried you weren't going to get that chipmunk look he loves so much, but you didn't disappoint. You're a championing breast feeder. I wasn't sure how that was all going to work out, but you've taken to nursing like a duck to water. You love it! Me? Well, I'd like to sleep a little more and be less of a buffet station at the Golden Corral, but I've been reassured that you eventually get more efficient and I will sleep for more than three hours at a time, once again (fingers crossed!)

Your brother is so taken with you, Miss Molly. He loves to help take care of you. When you cry because you're hungry and I can't get to you right away, your bubba will say, “It's okay baby girl.” Sniff! I think you two will be great friends as you get older. You'll love him. Ben-Ben is funny and adventurous. He's mischievous and stubborn so you'll have your work cut out for you as a little sister. But he could use a good dose of teasing and picking-on. Be gentle though, Molly-wolly. Your Ben is sensitive and has a soft heart. I know you'll be his protector. He certainly will be yours.

This letter will be short. You're currently giving me the stink eye and letting me know that you're about to wail for lunch in T-minus any minute.

I love you, my sweet princess!