Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where Does the Time Go!? & Can I Buy Some Extra Patience, Please?

It's been months since I've posted.  I'm sorry to say that I've lost almost all motivation to keep blogging.  I have great Ben-tales to tell and funny observation but just when I think I'm going to sit down and write about it, I get side tracked and put it off.

Things have flown by in this house.  I'm 33 weeks pregnant and at that stage where pregnancy is definitely overrated.  My little boy will be three in exactly 1 week.  Whoever said the twos were terrible never quite made it to the almost-threes.  That's not to say my child is terrible. He's not.  He's typical and in this case, I kind of wish he was exceptional (lol!)  He's in a phase where he's exerting his inner rabble-rouser and I'm feeling very inclined to exert my inner fascist dictator.  It's not helping that this inner being inhabiting my body is also putting me through my paces (insomnia that wakes me up at 3 AM is no fun. A baby who wants to flip and dance from 4 AM - 6 AM isn't helping either.)

Of course, most of my frustrations are just compounded by pregnancy so I know that at some point things will get better and I won't keep asking myself, "When did I think staying home with a preschooler and an infant was a good idea?"  Right? Right? 

So other than the regular trappings and irritations of motherhood, I've made zero strides in getting things ready for this little one on her way.  Her nursery/storage room is still in storage mode, but I'm hoping to have a rush of nesting motivation sometime next week and some help from my mommy to get things done.  Add to that a birthday party for El Nino and the once-a-week doctors appointments, I'm not just kind of busy.  I'm really busy! 

I don't promise I'll post again before this little one arrives, but maybe I can make some New Year's Pre-Resolutions.

1. I resolve to post at least once a week on this blog, even if it's an update simply stating that I haven't flown the planet.

2. I resolve to post at least monthly about my children. I know my mom would appreciate that. I stopped the once-a-month letters when Ben was about 11 months old, and I think that was a mistake.

So until then, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to y'all!

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