Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Fruits (and Veggies) of our (I mean JBG's) Labor

I picked up our first CSA share this past Saturday.  What a treat!  I've been wanting to do this for some time, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to really use all the veggies that we would get.  I've recently become more adventurous in my cooking (which I hope to post about soon) and broadening my veggie horizons.  The share is still a bit more than we can use in two weeks, so we're splitting our box with my sister and her husband (she purchased the share for the weeks we don't get a box, and we split that haul too.  The math works. Trust me.)

Because I wanted to show off the beauty that is locally, sustainably, and organically grown produce, I took a photo.  See!?   The tomatoes are heavenly.  I'm making chili oil with the tiny fiery red peppers.  I've used half the eggplants for a noodle-less lasagna.  The parsley went into quinoa tabbouleh, and the squash and zucchini is sitting in a casserole dish in the freezer for Sunday's Squash Casserole dinner.  Next summer: growing my OWN veggies (Ha!)

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