Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Molly - Six Months Old

Dear Miss M,
You are nearing seven months old and I'm just getting to your six months old letter.  I'm so sorry for my tardiness, but I haven't had a moment to really sit down and write about you lately. Not since you suddenly decided you've had enough of this slugging around. You're ready to move!

I would say that at six months, you have been sitting on the precipice of just about everything; the verge of crawling, the verge of sitting up, the verge of eating solid foods, the verge of negotiating a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict (okay, well maybe not that.)

Your development, while on track, has been a little sneaky.  You were born four weeks early and you tend to do thinks exactly at the half-month point.  You rolled over at three and a half months. You rolled all the way around the living room at four and a half months. At five and a half months, you got up on all fours and rocked your socks off. Also at five and a half months, you laughed. And you laughed. And your laughed some more (you laugh the most when you're pulling the tiny hairs on the back of my neck.)

This month, all of these really neat thing sort of just pulled together into one adorable laughing, rolling, scooting, inch-worming, solids-eating, downward-facing-dog yoga baby.  You are this.close to crawling. The cats know there is no safe place for them now; you're hell bent on making them your baby snack. 

Your brother is warming up quite a bit more to you and I think, he sees the potential for mischief in you, my love.  God help your mommy.  All this to say, you're doing great kid!

I love you!

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