Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fifty Books in 2010

I've committed myself to reading fifty book in 2010. I'm going to try to list them on the side bar as I complete the books. I was determined to choose books that were meaningful and could be described truly as literature but when I discovered that most of those kinds of books were about the length of a Bible (and God knows I haven't read one of those in...well, ever, actually), I decided to go a different route.

Rather than just reading fifty books of questionable quality, I decided that every book that I read to count towards my 50/2010 challenge must a) come from the library and b) written for adults (so that pretty much leaves out any of that vampire teen-angst nonsense and the revival of the Babysitters Club series.)

Please do leave your suggestions of what to read in the comment box, because no doubt I'll be tempted to just blow through all of John Grisham's books or vintage BSC.

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