Ben is not a listener. Let me clarify. Ben does not listen to me. He listens to his father. He listens to his teachers. He listens to strangers. The woman who carried him in her womb, suffered through sleepless nights, endured a 16 hour labor followed by a much-desired c-section? That woman? He doesn't listen to her.
When Ben doesn't listen to me, I would say that 96% of the time I roll my eyes, redirect, and move on. Redirect basically means that I physically move him from what ever it is that I don't want him to do and then do that thing that I wanted him to do, myself.
But then there are days like today. Over and over he pushes my buttons and when I have finally had enough, I turn kind of turn into this girl:
Does this phase him at all? No. In fact a lot of times he just looks at me and then looks at his imaginary buddies with this look on his face that kind of translates to, "Dude. Are you watching this? My mom is CRAZY." And then the little booger just keeps doing whatever it was he was doing earlier that caused me to turn into crazy-angry-brush-wielding girl.
Usually at this point, it's a good moment to take a time out. Both me and Ben. Time outs seem to be the only thing that get him motivated to stop being a toddler and behave like the respectable adult I expect him to be!!! (note: I'm fully aware of my unrealistic expectations. I was being ironical.) So Brush Girl picks up Monster Ben, sets him in the crib which usually turns him into this guy:
A nice glass of wine (before I got pregnant) or no-sugar added pudding cup (how sad) for me and ten minutes in the crib for Ben and all seems to be right with the world. We hug and make up. I tell him to stop pushing my buttons and he says, "I stop. I promise, Mom." Followed by this cutest cheese grin in the world. *sigh* I just can't stay upset with this stinker! (Until next time, anyway.)
1 comment:
laughing so hard right now, this post was so hilarious because IT IS SO TRUE!!
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