Monday, August 16, 2010

So Much to Report, So Little Text Space

When did it get to be August? Every year that I get older, time just moves faster and faster. Where to start with any update?

Well, if you haven't already guessed by now, I'm preggers. I can't remember if I already posted to that fact (and I'm too lazy to read through all, like, six posts), but there you have it. Pregnant. Knocked up. With child. Expecting. All is well in that department (though Ben is hoping that we're going to be having a puppy and not a human baby. Sorry! Birthing puppies only seems to be something that happens in my dreams.)

Everyday, I get a little more comfortable with the stay-at-home-mom gig. That was until this month when Ben's preschool decided to take off the entire month! As if teachers really need a vacation! Come on! Okay, just kidding. But when it's averaging 104 degrees in the shade and your child sort of acts like this guy a lot of the time, it gets a bit daunting trying to find activities that we'll both enjoy.

Oh August...soul sucking, oppressive, slow moving August. Beyond the pool and late afternoon naps, I can't think of anything you're good for. I lament its heat, but really, in Texas the weather doesn't even begin to hint at bearable until about October.

Honestly, I feel like I'm actively waiting until Ben starts school again and I can get back to my daily schedule: pretty much what I do now (read, answer e-mails, clean the house, go to the grocery store) except I'll be by myself.

Anyway, I don't know where this blog is going. I'm not a good daily blogger. I don't know what y'all want to know about. If you have any thoughts on what I can write to you about, let me know. Until then I'm going to sit here with my 15-week-belly-looking-like-seven-months, and sip my iced tea, waiting for a little blog love.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Love the SNL clip!! I agree with you August is really the worst month of the year.

And I am not sure I have any suggestions as to what you should write about. I have been tempted to write about the unglamorous side of pregnancy that somehow is forgotten about in the grand scheme of things. LOL!!

Blessings to you and the 15 week belly!!
