Monday, August 23, 2010

When You're a Kid

Right now, I'm listening to Ben on the monitor sing multiple variations of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (presumably to Iron Man or Blue Bear, but who knows) when he should be napping.

Nap time around here is a blessing to me! It means 1.5 hours of quiet time. I love quiet time! I love not hearing, "Mom, I want [insert demand here], NEEEOOOOOWWWWWW!" (That's how Ben says "now". It sounds just like my cat Max's meow but pronounced with an "N". It's annoying.)

Ben not wanting to nap this morning reminded me of all the things that we hated to do as kids but would love to do/have done for us as adults. So I made a list (I'm a big fan of lists).

Things You Hated Doing/Having Done For You As A Kid, But Would Love It Now As An Adult
(whew! I've got to work on my headline skills.)

1. Taking a nap --- Naps were torture as a kid. What a lame, boring way to spend an hour when you could be doing way more fun things like playing pretend, or Freeze Tag, or twirling in circles. As an adult, naps are the pinnacle of luxury, especially if you're working. In fact, there are some places where you can pay to take a nap!

2. Having someone cook delicious, healthy meals for you --- Veggies? Whole grains? Blech! As a kid you probably wanted a handful of McNuggets washed down with a shake. (Unless you're my kid and then you skip the "chicken" all together and ask for raspberries.) Your mom wouldn't let you "help" make dinner because you were "too little". As an adult, I would give anything to have someone come to my house, prepare a delicious, flavorful, healthy meal (and clean up!).

3. Riding in the stroller --- I still remember hating being pushed in a stroller when we went to the mall or on an outing. I could never see things higher than about adult knee height. I was riding in a sea of thighs and butts. It was not pleasant. As an adult, I hate going out to places where there are crowds, but I would hate it less if I was the one being pushed in the stroller. Especially in today's state-of-the-art prams. Reclining seat backs, sun-shielding canopies, snack trays!

4. Baths --- Ben doesn't have a typically difficult time taking a bath unless he's overtired and then it's like trying to get a cat to take a shower (legs and arms sticking out in all directions!). Most kids I've met or have known in the past seem too content to allow muck and dirt accumulate to an impossibly gross level. As an adult, with a toddler, personal cleaning time is at a premium. I usually try to shower before I get Ben out of bed. If I wake up late, I usually have to get in a shower when he's sitting in the high chair, dazed into some "Little Bear" on TV. Taking a 7-minute business rinse down is no substitute for a long, luxurious soak in a big garden tub with scented bubbles, watching Hulu on your laptop (not in the water. To the side of it on my Elfa towel stand).

In exactly 15 days, 20 hours, and 19 minutes, Ben will be starting preschool. I fully intended to take a luxurious bath, a long restful nap, and if I can swing it, get someone to push me in a stroller to a lovely restaurant to eat a nutritious, healthy meal!

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

hilarious as usual :)